Akron Farmers Market put on hold for a year

Akron Village Board members learned Monday night that organizers of West Shore Market, the new Farmers Market which was set to open on the Village of Akron property on Eckerson Ave. and Cedar Street this spring, have decided to postpone the market until 2021, in light of the current COVID-19 situation.

Farmer’s Market guidelines for 2020 prohibit entertainment, demonstrations or sampling, non-food vendors, and require handwashing stations, management of customer traffic to eliminate congregating and to promote social distancing, as well as other food safety guidelines.  Much of the planning for the new farmer’s market included activities, entertainment, and non-food vendors.

Village Attorney Andrew Borden, who has worked with the organizers of the market, told Village Board members that the year delay will allow the village more time to enhance the area selected for the market, before it opens.

Jacob Halleck, Secretary of the Akron Chamber of Commerce told Board members that the Akron Chamber has cancelled the annual Sidewalk Sale and put Cruise Nights on hold for now, hoping they may be able to bring back the Cruise nights in late July.

Discussion on a splash pad installation in Russell Park was tabled for future conversation.

Board members authorized the Village of Akron to re-levy all unpaid water/sewer and refuse balances as of Monday, May 21, 2020 on the 2020-2021 Village taxes.

A resolution from March 16, 2020 for the payment to Bam Mack Sales and Service for a Plow Truck was amended from $115,330.00 to the total amount of $208,876.39 as recommendation of the Public Works Manager Jon Cummings.

A resolution to approved purchase from VP Supply Corp in the amount of $6,548.92 for sludge valves for the sewer plant as recommended by Cummings was also approved.  Cummings was appointed as the Village voting delegate at the Annual NYMA meeting to be held WebEx on May 27, 2020, with Trustee Brian Perry as alternate.

Building permits were approved for a fence at 81 Eckerson Ave., and the entire People Inc. build on Bloomingdale Ave.