Akron Village Board members approve use of village streets for ‘Cruise Thru Akron’
Akron Village Board members approved use of village streets for an Akron Chamber of Commerce “Cruise thru Akron” last month and received an updated plan for the event during their meeting Monday night.
Chamber Secretary Jacob Halleck met with the Board to share that “Cruise thru Akron” is planned for August 20 beginning at 7 p.m. Drivers will line up at St. Teresa’s Church Parking Lot before moving down Buell St. to Skyline, to Crittenden Rd to the five corners, down East Ave, to Exchange Street, onto Main Street, To Townsend St., to Bloomingdale Ave., to Indianola Ave., to Oak Street, onto Marshall Ave., to Eckerson Ave., to Cedar Street, to John Street, to Mechanic, onto Buell Street, to Parkview Drive, through the park, back onto Main Street, down Main Street into the business district, with the parade to end at Akron Fire Hall and cars leaving the village on Buell Street.
The event would be instead of a Cruise Night and is designed to promote local merchants by distributing a coupon sheet filled with local merchant and restaurant advertising so drivers would have an incentive to come back at another time to support local merchants and restaurants.
Drivers will pre-register online at AkronChamber.org or by emailing AkronChamber@gmail.com prior to the event and the Chamber is capping the number of cars at 100.
Village Board members approved use of the village streets and Akron Police Department assistance.
Board members met with Akron Fire Company representatives during their work session Monday night. Included in the discussion was an update on the company’s review and restructuring of apparatus use reflecting the fact they are now solely a village fire company and have significantly reduced funding.
Company representatives expected to take the ladder truck, a tanker, and an ambulance out of service Monday night, following membership action at their monthly meeting and shared that a new mutual aid policy was put in place.
Continued improvement of communication was discussed, as was a request for information regarding intersections shared between the village and Town of Newstead.
Jurisdiction of Disaster Coordinators, a map of hydrants in the Village, and an expected ISO audit were also discussed.
Girl Scout project
Akron Girl Scout Jamie Meyers met with the Board in work session to discuss a Gold Award project which would place “dog waste only containers” at various locations in the Town and Village. Board members lifted questions over ongoing maintenance of the containers once placed. During their regular meeting that followed, the Board approved placement of the containers contingent on the Town of Newstead also approving. Discussion indicated the village will look at locating village garbage receptacles near the dog waste containers so it is clear where garbage should be place, as well as develop an ongoing maintenance plan.
Regular meeting
Board members learned that the Community Development Block Grant ADA Sidewalk aprons/crosswalks contract has been executed and work can begin at any time.
Bids are currently being received for Phase 2 of the wastewater treatment plant upgrade with a bid opening set for August 20.
Over 96 percent of the village taxes were collected as of July 31.
Senior Citizens will begin to use the Bocce Field on Eckerson Ave on Friday mornings at 10 a.m.
Chief of Police Rick Lauricella recommended advertising for a back up crossing guard and noted that the Town court resumes Wednesday.
Public works Manager Jon Cummings shared plans to micro-pave several Village streets including all or portions of Clinton, Upper Eckerson, Monroe, Cummings, John, Hart, Parkview lower, and Townsend.
A bill for approximately $13,100 was approved for a pole replacement order.
Trustee Darrin Folger reported on a meeting with the Akron Central School Superintendent of Schools regarding Akron Police SROs and other police matters. He noted that the district accepted some suggestions from APD regarding drop off and pick up plans at the school which should help alleviate traffic concerns on Bloomingdale Ave.
Building permits were approved for a driveway at 153 Main St., a sign at 41 Main St., a shed at 22 Sylvan Pkwy, a roof at 11 Pearl St., and windows at 41 Main St.
Regular meeting
Village Board members approved a five-year Industrial User Permit for Perry’s Ice Cream effective July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2025 as well as a resolution approving a refund of $1,857.10 to Cold Spring construction due to a meter reading error in July of 2019 per request of Treasurer Kelley at a special meeting on July 20. Year End Fund Balance transfers to reserves were approved at that meeting as follow: General Fund Equipment Reserve $68,000 (plans to purchase a new plow truck are in development); General Fund Street Repair Reserve $75,000.00; General Fund Joint Facility Reserve $10,000; General Fund Village Hall Reserve $10,000; General Fund Sidewalk Reserve $10,000; Police Equipment and Repair Reserve $10,000; and Green Space fees $5,000.
Building permits were approved for a front porch/sidewalk at 8 Crescent Dr, a patio at 164 East Ave, a driveway at 68 Bloomingdale, a fence at 8 Sylvan Pkwy, a roof at 79 Bloomingdale, fence at 6714 Cedar St., re-build shed at 142 East Ave., Driveway at 66 Eckerson Ave., and addition at 60 East Ave.