Appointments made, policies and procedures set as Newstead Town Board organizes for 2025

Newstead Town Board members made appointments, set policies, and adopted a meeting calendar during their 2025 organizational meeting on December 30.

Regular meetings

Regular meetings of the Newstead Town Board continue on the second and fourth Monday of each month in 2025.  Work sessions preceding each Board Meeting begin at 6:45 p.m., with the regular meeting beginning at 7:30 p.m.

Work sessions are scheduled the first and third Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. when not conflicting with a holiday.

Supervisor Izydorczak may postpone or set a new date for any meeting falling on a holiday and may call meetings as needed to adequately take care of town business.

All meetings will be held in the Newstead Town Hall, 5 Clarence Center Rd., Akron, and are open to the public except for confidential matters as prescribed by the Open Meetings Law.

Public Comment on agenda

Under rules governing the conduct of business the Board continues to have portions of their business meetings open for public comment and questions.

Questions and comments on “agenda items only” are open to all people who wish to speak early in the meeting, under the rules governing the conduct of business adopted by the Board.  General questions and comments are taken at the end of the meeting.

As in the past, all remarks must be addressed to the Chair unless otherwise directed by the Chair.

No derogatory comments are tolerated.  Speakers not complying with requirement of civility will not be allowed to continue speaking and may, at the discretion of the Chair, be asked to leave the meeting.  Each speaker must limit their comments to a five-minute maximum.  The Chair may impose a total time limit for comments on any issue and if it appears that all comments being made are substantially the same, may request other different comments and may close the comment period.  The time period for the question/comment period shall be limited to a total of 20 minutes unless extended by the Chair.

Privilege of the Floor or Question period comes at the end of the meeting at which time comments and questions can be made concerning the town.  All questions/comments must be made in a civil polite manner and will be addressed to the Chair.

No derogatory comments are tolerated.  Speaker not complying with this requirement will be asked to stop speaking and no response will be made to such comment.  The Chair may request that a specific representative of the Town respond to a particular question, respond to the question himself or herself, advise the questioner that the Town will look into it and get back to the questioner or advise the questioner that their question either cannot be answered or will not be answered.

There shall be no right of any questioner to receive a response to any particular question.  The Chair reserves the right to limit each speaker to a five minute maximum and one question or what is reasonable and is the Chair’s sole discretion..  The time period for questions from the floor shall be limited to 20 minutes unless extended by the Chair.

Other rules governing the conduct of business remain the same as in 2024, including a deadline for items to be placed on the agenda of 5 p.m. on the Thursday preceding the Board Meeting except in the situation of an emergency or in situation the Town Board waives this requirement.

Official newspaper

The AKRON BUGLE was again named official newspaper for the Town of Newstead during their organizational meeting.

As such the BUGLE will carry all legal notices for the Town during 2025.


Supervisor Dawn Izydorczak appointed Joseph Dugan as Deputy Supervisor for 2025; Colleen Salmon as Secretary to the Supervisor and for 2025, and Beverly Summe as Historian and Bob Andrycha as Assistant Historian for the year 2025.

Supervisor Izydorczak was designated to cast the vote of the Town of Newstead at the Annual Meeting of the Association of Towns.

Town Clerk Jennifer DiChristina announced her 2025 appointment of Lisa Kaminski as Deputy Town Clerk (FT) and Deputy Registrar.

Town Clerk Jennifer DiChristina and Deputy Town Clerk Lisa Kaminski were appointed marriage officers for 2025.

Highway Superintendent Michael Bassanello announced the appointment of Brian Lords as Deputy Highway Superintendent and Rachel Kleparak as Clerk to the Highway Superintendent for the year 2025.

Board appointments for 2025 included: David Andrew DeYoung as Dog Control Officer; Dale Gooch as Deputy Dog Control Officer; and Brenda Cerasani as Van Driver for the Senior Van.

James Akin was appointed as Sewer/Water Maintenance Worker (PT).

Mike Bassanello was appointed in charge of the building maintenance the Joint Highway Facility.  Dale Gooch was appointed assistant in charge of the building maintenance for all town buildings with the exception of the Joint Highway Facility.

Justice Freeman appointed Larua Consiglio as Court Clerk (FT) to the Town Justice and Justice Reinecke appointed Joyleen Wagner as Court Clerk (PT) to the Town Justice for 2025.

Emily Janicz Esq. was appointed Town Attorney for 2025 and Mike Coutu as Deputy Town Attorney and Brendan Neill as assistant Town Attorney as needed.  Robert Friedman was appointed as Town Prosecutor and Justin Friedman as Deputy Prosecutor for 2025.

William Kaufman was appointed to the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five-year term expiring December 31, 2029, and Christine Falkowski was appointed to serve as an alternate member for a five-year term expiring on December 31, 2028.

Tom Cowan was reappointed to serve as a Planning Board Member for a seven-year term expiring December 31, 2031.

Ken Koehler, Lewis Tandy, and Marc Koopman were appointed to the Conservation Advisory Council, all with terms expiring December 31, 2026.

Mary Mangan was appointed to the Library Board for a five-year term expiring December 31, 2029.

Allison Massaro and Mary Nanni were appointed to the Ethics Board for a three-year term expiring December 31, 2027.

Supervisor Izydorczak was appointed as Budget Officer at no salary and as representative to the NEST Consortium for the year of 2025.

Wendel was appointed as the town engineer for 2025 for a monthly fee of $1,635.00.

Heather Cayea and Joe Cena were appointed liaisons to the Newstead Recreation Committee representing the Akron Central School Board.

Joel Gregorio was appointed chairman of the Recreation Board for a one-year term ending December 31, 2025.  Joel Gregorio, Alicia Tomporowski and Adam Massaro were reappointed to the Recreation Board for a term to expire December 31, 2027.  All Recreation appointments are subject to requirements of the respective job description.

Daniel Kowalik was appointed Emergency Coordinator for 2025 at a salary of $4,500.00 and Joe Hawes and Brian Murray were appointed Assistant Emergency Coordinators for 2025 at a yearly salary of $2,000.00.

Jaclyn Long was appointed Assistant to the Senior Center Director and Barb Gaik, Wendy Heberling, Anthony Abraham and Felicia Izydorczak were appointed as attendants for the Senior Center for 2025.

Town Board Committees

Supervisor Dawn Izydorczak announced the following Town Board committees with the first person listed as lead person for 2025.

Assessment, Code Enforcement, Planning, Zoning – Councilman Michael Mutter, Councilman Joe Dugan;

Buildings – Councilman John Jendrowski, and Supervisor Dawn Izydorczak.

Capital Projects, Town/Village Co-Op – Supervisor Izydorczak, Councilman Mutter; Celebration, Recreation – Councilman Mutter, Councilman Burke, Clerical Liaison, GIS – Councilman Mutter and Councilman Dugan.

Conservation Council, Solid Waste – Councilman Burke and Supervisor Izydorczak; Court, Dog Control – Councilman Dugan, Councilman Jendrowski.

Drainage, Highway – Supervisor Izydorcak, Councilman Jendrowski; Finance, Insurance – Supervisor Izydorczak, Councilman Burke; Fire Companies – Councilman Dugan and Councilman Jendrowski.

Library – Councilman Jendrowski, Councilman Burke; Parks – Councilman Burke, Councilman Dugan; Public Safety, Americans with Disabilities – Councilman Dugan and Councilman Mutter.

Senior Citizens – Councilman Burke, Councilman Mutter; Water & Sewer Administration – Councilman Jendrowski and Supervisor Izydorczak.

Committee Chairpersons are authorized to enlist the expertise of citizen advisors on their respective committees.

Official depository

BankonBuffalo, JP Morgan Securities, M&T Bank; NY Class; Evans Bank, Alden State Bank, Key Bank, ad Five Star Bank were designated as the official depositories into which all Town Officials shall deposit all moneys coming into their hands by virtue of their respective offices.

Professional services

Drescher & Malecki LLP were retained to provide auditing services at a rate of $15,975 annually in 2025 and $2,110 for assistance for annual update and budgeting services.

Salaries and wages

Board members established the following salaries and wages for the year 2025:

Supervisor $47,000; Councilpersons (4) Dugan, Burke, Jendrowski, Mutter $12,950.00 each.

Town Justice – Reinecki $24,500.00; Town Justice Freeman $24,500.00; Superintendent of Highways $75,000.00; Supervisor of Highways (Refuse Tires) $400.00; Supervisor of Highways (Cemeteries) $1,000.00; Supervisor of Highways (Drainage) $2,850.00; Supervisor of Highways (Refuse District) $800.00; Supervisor of Highways (Parks) $1,800.00; Town Clerk $61,025.00; Town Clerk (Registrar) $1,000.00; Deputy Town Clerk $24.13 per hour; 2nd Deputy Town Clerk (PT) $19.05 per hr.; Recreation Specialist $57,200.00; Recreational Attendant/Assistant Specialist for Senior Center (J. Long) $23.50 per hr, Recreational Attendant for Senior Center (B. Gaik) $21.47, Recreation Attendant for Senior Center (W. Heberling) $20.79 per hr.; Recreation Attendant for Senior Center (F. Izydorczak) $20.00 per hr.; Recreation Attendant for Senior Center (A. Abraham) $20.28 per hr.; Town Attorney $53,500.00, Assistant Town Attorney $15,000;  Assessor $55,404.00.

Code Enforcement Officer/Zoning Officer $80,500.00; Town Prosecutor (PT) $9,925.00; Deputy Town Prosecutor (PT) $208.00 per session; Court Clerk (FT) L. Consiglio $24.23; Deputy Court Clerk (PT) J. Wagner, $19.60 per hr.; Building Dept. Administrator $29.55; Clerk to the Assessor/Building Dept. $23.17, Planning Board Chairman $3597.00; Dog Control Officer (PT) $10.608.00; Deputy Dog Control Officer (PT) $21.66 per hr.; Highway Clerk (PT) $21.44 per hr; Secretary to the Supervisor $40.00 per hr.; Historian (PT) $3,200.00; Assistant Historian, $1,760.00; Sewer/Water Maintenance Worker (PT) J. Akin $30.19 per hr.; Parks Asst D, Gooch – (PT) $19.24 per hr.; Van Driver $22.80 and 19.85 per hr.  Recreation Director $17,750.00; Emergency Coordinator $4,500; Asst. Emergency Coordinator (2) $2,000.00; Cleaners $20.88 per hr.

Highway Department: Full-time staff as per the union contract.  Deputy: $1.75 above corresponding MEO rate.

Planning Board members will be paid a rate of $69.00 per meeting attended for all local meetings held, Chairman of Planning Board $3,597 per year; Zoning Board of Appeals members $41.00 per meeting attended; Chairman of the Zoning Board of Appeals $49.00 per meeting attended.

Assessment Review Board members are paid a rate of $21.21 per hour and the Chairman of the Assessment Review Board $26.57 per hour.


Board members voted to have the Town Procurement Policy remain in effect for 2025 and that all other existing Town policies remain in effect for 2025.  Board members also adopted a number of items relative to voucher, reimbursements for expenses, petty cash, Workman’s Compensation, various insurance coverages, authorization to attend professional organization meetings, salaries and wages.