Candidates for seat on Town Board answer questions posed by the Akron Bugle

Town of Newstead residents, including the Village of Akron, will select a person to complete the unexpired term (three years) of Town of Newstead Councilwoman Jeannine Morlacci who resigned May 27, 2020 in this year’s general election.

Patricia Pope received the official nomination from the Republican and Independence parties, for the unexpired term on the Town Board.  Also seeking the seat is Adam Burg, the officially endorsed candidate of both the Democratic and Conservative parties.  Information shared at the time of their endorsement as well as their answers to questions posed by the Akron Bugle follow:

“Patricia Pope is an assistant public defender for the Orleans’ County Public Defender’s Office and has had a private law practice based out of Akron for the last 14 years that is primarily focused on representing children in Family Court proceedings and parents in adoption proceedings. Patty is also an advocacy volunteer and support group facilitator for the Alzheimers Association and an ombudsman in the NYS Long Term Care Facility Program. Last year she received the 2019 Volunteer of the Year Award,” Elias Cobti, Newstead Republican Chairman said in announcing her candidacy earlier this year.

“I am looking to use my skill set to serve the community and I believe that a position on the Town Board would be a perfect opportunity,” said Pope. “My experience advocating for children, the elderly, and underprivileged has provided me with strong communication skills and the ability to work out agreements under the most challenging of circumstances. Most importantly, I am passionate about helping people and am enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve the community.”

Burg, who has served on the Zoning Board for 10 years, is a life-long Newstead resident, vice president of the Newstead Historical Society, and former president of the Akron Lion’s Club.

“This is a great honor and another chance to give back to a town that has given so much to my family and me,” Burg said. “On the zoning board I’ve had the opportunity to shape Newstead’s future, and this takes that opportunity to the next level. I’m grateful to the executive committee for its support, and to ECDC Chair Jeremy Zellner and Newstead Chair Justin Rooney for their great encouragement.”

“Adam is the ideal candidate – someone who knows his community and understands the needs and challenges of its people and taxpayers,” ECDC Chair Zellner said. “Our committee’s goal is to provide the very best leadership at every level of government in Erie County, and we have that in Adam Burg.”

Burg and his wife, Heather, have a two-year-old daughter, Blair. He is a licensed insurance agent with the Fred E. Thomas Agency and a real estate salesperson with Hunt Real Estate.   “For those of you that have worked with me in business or in the various organizations I’ve been fortunate to be a part of, you know my work ethic and my commitment to public service. For those that don’t, I am looking forward to showing you what else I can bring to Town government beyond my ten years on the Zoning Board.”

Questions posed

The Akron Bugle posed three questions to each candidate.  Their answers follow:

How would you describe the responsibilities of a Town Council member?

Patricia Pope

As a Councilmember, one must be able to collaborate with others to determine the best overall course of action for the Town.  Whether it’s entering into contracts on behalf of the Town, hiring Town officials, reviewing budget requests, adopting the budget, addressing fiscal issues, adopting local ordinances, or strategic planning, one must act with the highest degree of integrity and transparency.   A council member should study and learn about issues to make effective decisions, be able to understand the issues and be able to communicate their position intelligently, articulately, and thoughtfully.  One should respond to citizens promptly, be a good listener and make sure our residents remain the main focus.  To be effective, one should be respectful, polite and deferential to fellow council members and the public.   Decisions need to be made based on merit and in the best interests of the community, even under difficult situations.  

Adam Burg

I believe the ultimate responsibility of a Town Board member is to serve the interests of all residents of the Town of Newstead. To make responsible decisions with respect to spending taxpayer money and resources.  To be available to listen to residents’ concerns and answer their questions. To make positive, well-informed decisions that help preserve the character of our community while also encouraging smart and beneficial development.”

What skills, experience do you bring that would help you uniquely meet those responsibilities? 

Adam Burg

I was born and raised in Newstead.  I’ve worked on Main Street for the last thirteen years and have been involved in several organizations that benefit the community, including the Lions Club and the Newstead Historical Society.  I know this community and they know me.  My experience in business, be it insurance or real estate, has helped me understand what it takes to make tough decisions. My decade of experience on the Zoning Board of Appeals ensures I can hit the ground running.

Patricia Pope

As an attorney, I have over 25 years of experience in collaborating and negotiating with other agencies and parties to produce desired outcomes.  I regularly research issues as they arise, advocate a position based on that research, and negotiate and draft agreements.  As a Public Defender and as an attorney representing children in Family Court, I have experience working in difficult emotionally charged situations.  Through my roles as an Ombudsman, Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Facilitator, and attorney, I’ve developed excellent listening, communication and advocacy skills and the ability to make effective decisions.  I am willing to put in the hard work to ensure that the Town grows in a responsible and positive direction. 

What are the top 3 issues facing the Town of Newstead that you will address if elected?  Please include why they are important and how you plan to address them?

Patricia Pope

1. We must use tax dollars efficiently and keep taxes as low as feasible so that residents pay the lowest taxes while still getting the best services possible.  Covid-19 has left us in unprecedented times, without the normal revenue from the Courts and sales tax.  I will be fiscally conservative with our budget, carefully scrutinize expenditures, and actively seek grant funding opportunities.   Generating new revenue without increasing taxes is key.

2. We must spur smart growth in our commercial areas to create jobs and increase our tax base while preserving our recreational areas, agricultural land and green spaces.  We must promote responsible economic growth while still keeping our small town charm.   I would encourage zoning for mixed-use development in appropriate locations to take advantage of opportunities as they arise and an economic development advisory board created from the public and private sectors to assist the Town in facilitating development.    

3. With the County Executive’s 2021 proposed 43% budget cuts to infrastructure, maintaining our existing infrastructure and obtaining necessary equipment will be challenging.  Through smart growth, budget planning, grant application and advocating for our share of funding, I will fight to maintain our quality of life and keep our residents safe.   

Adam Burg

Obviously, the most pressing issue facing the Town is the extra financial pressure due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Newstead needs a board member who is qualified to make tough decisions that protect the resources our residents rely on.

I attended the meetings held on the most recent review of the Town’s Master Plan. One of the concerns identified was a need for expanded senior housing and services.  The Town’s adoption of a capital reserve fund for the creation of a new cultural/senior center is a step in the right direction, but we need to encourage investment from the private sector to fulfill the needs of our senior residents.

Lastly, I want to make sure people believe their local leaders are working for them working with county, state and federal officials to make sure we are getting our share of resources, financial or otherwise regardless of political affiliation.