Akron Central High School to transition to virtual for 10 days

High School students at Akron Central will begin transitioning to ten days of virtual learning, the District learned Wednesday night.  Superintendent of Schools Patrick McCabe reported to Board of Education members during their September 22 meeting, that numbers of COVID-19 cases in the High School and evidence that it is being transmitted in the school setting, have reached a level that Erie County Health Department is requiring a move to virtual learning for ten days. 

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Parents continue to ask for mask mandate to be lifted

Thanking the Akron Central School Board of Education for their letter to the State regarding lifting of mask mandates several parents reiterated their position that the mask mandate be lifted at Akron regardless of the state, during the June 23 Board of Education meeting.  They cited physical and mental health concerns for children, in urging the board to take action.  Parents had appeared at the previous Board meeting with similar concerns.

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