Bicentennial celebration comes to close

Town of Newstead Supervisor and Chair of the Newstead Bicentennial Planning Committee welcomed all to the closing ceremony on Friday night. “Good evening everyone and welcome to the closing ceremony for the Town of Newstead’s 200th birthday! It has been a long week, but we had a lot of fun!” she said. “Thank you once again to all the Bicentennial Planning Committee members! A few other community members that really went above and beyond the call of duty this week were Dave Stutz, Jacob Halleck, and Jonathan, who spent hours in the heat and humidity parking and unparking cars for

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4th of July Celebration schedule set

Fourth of July in Akron this year will feature celebrating the Town of Newstead’s Bicentennial with an entire week of activities along with the Akron Celebration Committee’s annual events. Highlights of the activities scheduled, include fireworks at dusk at Veterans Park, Buell Street on July 3. July 4th kicks off with a Power Wheels race beginning at 10:00 a.m., followed by the popular Soapbox Derby at 11:00 a.m. Register is day of the race in Russell Park. Lineup for the Kiddie parade is at Main and Hart Streets at 4:00 p.m. The theme is “Teddy Bear Picnic” and begins at

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