Town sets hearing on Cannabis option

Town Board members set a public hearing on “Local Law No. 12 of the Year 2021” entitled “2021 local law to opt out of allowing cannabis retail dispensaries and on-site consumption sites as authorized under Cannabis Law Article 4,” for November 8 at 7:25 p.m. in the Newstead Town Hall. The purpose of this local law is to opt out of allowing cannabis retail dispensaries and on-site cannabis consumption sites in the Town of Newstead that would otherwise be allowed under Cannabis Law Article 4 Cities, towns, and villages can opt-out of allowing adult-use cannabis retail dispensaries or on-site consumption

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Garbage pick-up delayed

With an ongoing driver shortage, Modern just told the Village of Akron that pick-up in the Village and the Town of Newstead will be delayed until Saturday, a pattern that may continue, so residents are encouraged to put their refuse to the curb on Friday and leave it until it is picked up. Village Clerk has reminded Modern that the Super Cruise is Saturday morning and they are expected to pick up Main Street first thing in the morning.

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Newstead sees largest increase in COVID-19 cases since pandemic began

COVID-19 updates on September 9 indicated confirmed new cases in the 14001 zip code, stood at 21, the largest weekly increase since the pandemic began. The confirmed number of new weekly cases in the 14001 Zip Code is now a total of 756 since March 2020. Town of Newstead/Village of Akron Emergency Manager, Dan Kowalik, said that as of September 8, 64.5 percent in this community are vaccinated, up from 64.2 percent September 3.

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