Guidelines help everyone recreate responsibly during COVID-19 social distancing

NY State Parks encourages New Yorkers to recreate locally, practice social distancing, and use common sense to protect themselves and others during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Getting outdoors to walk, jog, hike, ride a bicycle, or visit a park or state lands is a healthy way to stay active, spend time with your immediate household family members, and reduce stress and anxiety while practicing physical distancing.

Be advised due to COVID-19 some services are limited to ensure the health and safety of NY State Parks visitors and staff.  For a complete list of impacts to park operations such as camping, golf, parking, restrooms, events, and more visit:

If you need a nature break and plan to visit State Parks, State Lands, and other parks they ask that all visitors:

Stay local and keep visits short;

Visit in small groups limited to immediate household members;

Maintain distance from others while in places where people tend to congregate, such as parking lots, trailheads, and scenic overlooks;

Avoid games and activities that require close contact, such as basketball, football, or soccer;

Avoid playground equipment like slides and swings and other frequently touched surfaces; 

Do not share equipment, such as bicycles, helmets, balls, or Frisbees;

If you arrive at a park and crowds are forming, choose a different park, a different trail, or return another time/day to visit; and

If parking lots are full, please do not park along roadsides or other undesignated areas. To protect your safety and that of others, please choose a different area to visit, or return another time or day when parking is available.

As this situation continues to develop, NY State Parks will take any necessary actions to protect visitor and staff health. They appreciate your support and patience as we navigate this public health crisis together.