Information shared with Board of Education as 25-26 budget process begins
Akron Central Board of Education members began to receive information at their December 18 meeting as the 2025-2026 school budget development process begins.
Preliminary state formulas indicate that the District may receive about $500,000 less in state foundation funding next year and that while historically schools do not receive less than the previous year, there are suggestions that school districts with declining enrollment and significant unrestricted fund balances, will be required to use those reserves to self-fund any shortfall.
School Business Administrator Paul Kowalski and Superintendent of Schools Andrea Kersten told board members it is very early in the process and that the governor has indicated she does not support that requirement. On the state level, the Governor’s budget and the State Assembly and Senate budget are yet to be released. Those proposed spending plans will help inform the local budget planning.
Both expressed a plan to budget conservatively again this year, with attention to 2024-2025 Budget Goals:
* Continue the practice of conservative budgeting to maintain instructional programs, staffing levels, facilities upkeep and an acceptable level of fund balance.
* Support the implementation of the District Strategic Plan
* Continue to keep tax increases to a minimum
* Work collaboratively with district partners to build the budget while communicating budgetary needs to the public.
Maggie Augugliaro, Senior Advisor Municipal Solutions presented some options the Board has relative to managing their unassigned fund balances in a way that meets state requirements and local needs.
Akron Central’s Unassigned Fund Balance as of June 30, 2024 was $4,889,929 with a 2024-25 Adopted Budget of $43,929,821 resulting in an Unassigned Fund Balance of 11.13%. Factoring in the Interfund Transfer to the Capital Fund of $37,040,192, the Unassigned Fund Balance is 13.20%. Above the State suggested level.
Augugliaro outlined various Reserve Funds which could be established to move funds out of the unassigned fund balance to fund local needs while reducing the percentage of the unassigned fund balance.
Such reserve funds include funding for buses, savings for specific building maintenance projects, funding for certain types of insurance, and other district needs.
Also given as options were making one-time large purchases for needed equipment, infrastructure, etc.
“Managing available fund balance will need to utilize a number of different avenues ØWill take time ØShould be done in a thoughtful, methodical and forward-looking manner to continue to maintain the District’s historic responsible financial practices,” Augugliaro noted.
Kersten and Kowalski asked for Board input on at what level they would like the unassigned fund balance to be and what, if any additional reserve funds the District should consider.
Budget presentations will be shared over the next several Board of Education meetings with this and other information expected to be part of the conversation.
Mission Movers
Nyah Ayers, Connor Cositore, Cassia Forrestel, Parker Kozak, Kendryk Kocialski-Wells, Jessica Cena and Lisa Dojnik were recognized as Mission Movers because of their exceptional involvement in a Light up Akron with kindness project.
Media Production
Board members received an update on an elective which began a year ago. The Media Production class has created over 40 video journalism pieces within the district, including Athlete of the Week videos, a student news show, teacher appreciation videos, school board appreciation videos, and many others. A video created by Ella Liss and Hailey Reigle earned honors for the 2024 Roswell ark spirit Week Showdown.
New this year is an Akron Student News Show; Monthly Media Newsletter; Videos on YouTube! And a Field Trip to WKBW.
Action items
Board members approved the unpaid leave of absence extension for Elementary Education teacher, Madeline Schulz to continue through June 20, 2025.
Adopted the rate of pay for non-instructional substitutes, effective January 1, 2025, as follows: Bus Attendant $15.50; Cleaner $15.50; Clerical $15.50; Food Service Helper $15.50; Laborer $15.50; Teacher Aide/Monitor $15.50; Custodian $15.50
Election Clerk $15.50.
Board members approved daily hour adjustment for five employees due to route changes:
Accepted the amended letter of resignation from Bonnie Lee James, as Claims Auditor/Faculty Auditor effective November 30, 2024.
Approved the following instructional substitutes for the 2024-2025 school year: Julie Matusek (effective January 6, 2025) and Lilly Pietrowski (effective December 16, 2024)
Approved the following permanent appointments after successfully completing the twenty-six week Civil Service probationary period: Brian McCowen – Automotive Mechanic (effective January 1, 2025) and Beth Kasprzak – Payroll Clerk (effective January 1, 2025)
Julie Matusek was approved as a Chaperone
Autumn Hall was approved as a Lifeguard/Monitor substitute effective December 13, 2024
Approved the proposal between the Akron Central School District and NYSERDA for a comprehensive energy audit across all buildings in the Akron Central School District.
Appointed Heather Milone as Faculty Auditor for the 2024-2025 school year, effective December 19, 2024.
Approve the following district volunteers: Harold Beakman, Hannah Boyd, Alex Brewer, Barb Greiner, Danielle Hahn, Donnie Lavocat, Ryan Lemieux, Lisa Pelton
Approved the amended agreement between the Akron Central School District and Niagara County Department of Health-Children with Specials Needs for special education service and authorize and direct the Superintendent of Schools to execute on behalf of the District.