Protocol in place for Public Comments at Akron Central Board of Education Meetings

The District Clerk of Akron Central Schools, Mrs. Roxanne Rebmann, reminds those attending the meetings of the Akron Board of Education regarding the protocol for the public comment session that is provided at each meeting.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all visitors to the district are required to wear a mask at all times when inside the building.

The public comment session is intended for comment, not for question and answer. Community members may share their concerns or thoughts with the Board.

Those wishing to speak must complete a pink comment card available at the meeting venue; individuals are allowed to speak once and should limit comments to 3 minutes out of respect for the others in attendance at the meeting.

Individuals who have submitted a comment card will be given a turn and should be prepared to approach the podium, and state their name and address for the record.  If the speaker is representing an organization, the name of the organization should also be identified.  Speakers are expected to maintain a respectful demeanor and tone with their comments. Comments are to be directed to the Board members and not others in the audience.

The District Clerk asks that speakers not identify individual staff members or students by name for critical comment.  These matters should be directed to the Superintendent outside of this meeting during school business hours.

In the interest of civility and respect of different points of view, attendees should not applaud nor boo speakers. The Board will listen to all public comment, but it should not be expected that the Board will respond. The Superintendent may respond, or individuals will be asked to submit questions in writing so that the Board can offer a response at a later time.

Any questions regarding the protocol for public comment for school board meetings should be directed to Mrs. Roxanne Rebmann, District Clerk, at (716)542-5006 or  Additional information about the Board of Education at Akron Schools is available from the “Quick Links” section of the school website at

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