Residents break social distancing guidelines to question COVID-19 protocols

Area fire companies are facing resident concerns over first responders wearing masks to calls.  Some residents are breaching the social distancing guidelines at emergency scenes to express their apprehension and fear over the meaning of the safety precautions in place, jeopardizing their safety and the safety of first responders.

As reported in each Town of Newstead/Village of Akron COVID-19 updates over the last four weeks, residents seeking first aid will find expanded safety protocols in place, with all calls for assistance treated as potential infectious disease situations.  Questions relative to recent travel, exposure to anyone who may have the virus, symptoms of the person requesting assistance, are all the new normal.

First responders interact with those needing help on a one-to-one basis, as much as possible, to minimize risk of the patient or first responder exposure and additional precautions will be evident to protect all present.

Due to these changes in EMS protocols first responders are required to put a mask on prior to getting on any of their trucks and responding to an emergency scene. First responders are not wearing them due to a patient having COVID-19, this is just a precaution to keep members, their families, and the community safe.

The Akron/Newstead Public Safety Team continues to work together to keep social distancing protocols and precautions in place locally many of the schedules and procedures stay in place as they were last week, with a few exceptions. Regularly scheduled meetings and communication is ensuring that all are aware of the most current information relative to keeping everyone safe during the COVID-19 situation.

Akron Central School

Akron Central School has increased meal service to 6 days per week with the same Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. pick up schedule.

There is limited staff re-entry so that teachers can gather additional teaching materials for at home instruction with no more than five people in the building at one time.

Building principals are arranging for a drive-through parent pick up of additional instructional resources for students- see website for details

At home instruction is required during the scheduled Spring Recess

School Budget Vote and Board Election is postponed until at least June 1

Emergency Services

Town of Newstead and Village of Akron Emergency Services Coordinator Dan Kowalik is leading the team made up of critical local government, school, and first responder representatives as the community navigates the COVID-19 threat.

Joining Kowalik in leading the team are Deputy Emergency Services Coordinators Mike Mutter and Joe Hawes.  The Emergency Service Coordinators handle the coordination of services in the event of an emergency in the Akron-Newstead area.  They work closely with local officials and County, State and Federal officials to set up any necessary command centers and shelters.  They are highly trained local volunteer firemen who are cross trained in incident command management able to handle a Federal level 1 incident under the National Incident Management System [ NIMS ] which this Emergency has been declared.

Currenting the community has the supplies and protocols needed in place.

Town and Village

See separate story for update on Town of Newstead and Village of Akron.

For assistance:

Kowalik has announced that if any Akron-Newstead residents need anything they can call the Town Hall at 716-542-4573 Ext 213.