Stranded vehicles successfully removed throughout Town and Village

Town of Newstead Highway Superintendent Michael Bassanello and Village of Akron Manager of Public Works Jon Cummings, working with the New York State Police and Akron/Newstead Emergency Manager Dan Kowalik successfully implemented the removal of stranded vehicles on Monday.

Over 25 vehicles stranded throughout the Town of Newstead and Village of Akron were moved by a towing agency from Wilson, NY.  The first vehicle was dropped off at a staging area around 10:00 a.m.   Emergency Managers collected field data on the locations of the vehicles over the past few days so effective removal of the vehicles was possible.  The last vehicle was dropped off at 6:00 p.m. Monday.

“Thanks to Deputy Emergency Manager Mutter today for collecting a lot of vehicle data which needed to be logged for Erie County and for the Emergency Managers for tracking purposes,” Kowalik said.

The pickup location for the vehicles is at St Teresa Church, 5771 Buell Street, Akron. Owners can go to that location and pick up their vehicle. Because of the Federal Declaration, there is no towing charge.

Kowalik reports that all area roads are now open although clean up work remains to be done.