Retired Supervisor David L. Cummings passes away

David L. Cummings, Town of Newstead Supervisor for over 21 years, one four-year term, and over 17 consecutive years prior to resigning early this year, passed away this week.

Cummings also served as Town Councilman for fourteen and a half years during two separate series of terms, one year on the Town Zoning Board of Appeals, and one year on the Town of Newstead Recreation Board.

He also served the community as a member of the Newstead Fire Company, Akron Jaycees, Akron Lions Club, Akron Celebration Committee (which he chaired for several years), and the Newstead Republican Committee.

His career focused on IT at Buffalo State College more multiple decades prior to his retirement.

In recent years, he has been instrumental in the building and implementation of the Joint Municipal Facility that the Town and Village now share for their Highway Departments and the design and creation of the Cultural Center at the Library. He purchased and expanded new sections of the bike path and obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars in grant funding for our senior center improvements, parks purchases and improvements, bike path expansions and improvements, the Cultural Center creation and numerous other small projects.

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