Akron Lady Lions Club installs officers

NEW OFFICERS – The Akron Lady Lions Club recently installed the following officers for the upcoming year: Paula Jendrowski-President, Jaime Brad-Secretary, and Jayne Perry-Treasurer. The branch club meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday from September through June and is committed to the Lions Club pillars of service: vision, hunger, diabetes, cancer and the environment. If you are interested in joining, or for more information, email them at ladylions14001@gmail.com.

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Senior Center to host Steel Drum concert

Akron/Newstead Senior Center, 5691 Cummings Rd., Akron, NY is planning a concert in Russell Park on July 20. Carnival Kids Steel Drum Orchestra will play from 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. on July 20.  This concert is sponsored by Independent Health.  The Akron Newstead Seniors will sell Hot dogs, cookies, brownies, and beverages.

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Thank You

Card of Thanks Thanks to all who made our 50th high school reunion such a memorable weekend.  We would like to particularly thank Craig Wilkins (and his wife Sandy) for their work organizing gatherings in conjunction with the graduation ceremony. We would also like to thank the school district and alumni association for the social prior to graduation and the tour of our alma mater on Saturday morning.  All events contributed to a wonderful weekend. Betsy Staebell Almeter Cindy Johnson Kenealy Nancy Koeller Murphy

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